
About Kybella®

Don’t be bothered by your double chin any longer, with Kybella at Reveal Aesthetics & Wellness! Stubborn fat under the chin is one of the most common and difficult problems to address in aging men and women.

Shave off unwanted chin fat with a groundbreaking filler. Kybella is a prescription filler that has been FDA-approved to specifically target submental fullness or chin fat. The active ingredient in Kybella is synthetic deoxycholic acid which aids in the absorption and breaking down of dietary fat.

Kybella effectively destroys fat cells. Once these cells are destroyed, they no longer accumulate fat. TThe number of treatments required vary from patient to patient. Typically,patients receive an average. of 4 treatments to see drastic results.

Contact us today to learn more about your preferred Reveal Aesthetics & Wellness beauty treatments.

Minimal Downtime

Minimally Invasive

FDA Approved

Frequently Asked Questions

How long does Kybella last?

Kybella results are long-lasting, with maximum results visible six months after the treatment. Kybella can be considered a treatment with permanent results.

Does Kybella leave loose skin?

Kybella melts away the submental fat under the chin, so there are instances where it can leave loose skin, although there is some level of skin contraction after the fat is dissolved.

How many Kybella treatments do you need?

Most patients require two to four sessions of Kybella treatments to achieve significant changes and their ideal results.

Am I a good candidate for Kybella?

If you have excess, stubborn fat under the chin and jawline, you may be a good candidate for Kybella. We can determine during your consultation if Kybella is the right treatment for you.

How can I get started with Kybella?

Book your personalized consultation today!